Why Is It Important To Bring A Flashlight Hiking

Troy De Ville

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Why Is It Important To Bring A Flashlight Hiking

Hiking is a fun activity that many adventure lovers enjoy doing. It could be challenging depending on your age, physical condition, and where you are hiking.

No matter how good a hiker is, you must ensure your safety on every hiking trip. You need to have a few essentials in your hiking gear.

An essential item to have when hiking is a flashlight. A flashlight can be helpful in many ways, whether hiking at night or during the day. 

Let’s answer the question as to why it is essential to bring a flashlight in hiking.

Why Is It Important To Bring A Flashlight In Hiking

Hiking flashlight at night

A flashlight is essential whether hiking at night or during the day. Unpredictable weather changes during the day will make you switch on your flashlight. Night-time hikers need flashlights for several reasons.

Here is why you should always bring a flashlight while hiking.

To Illuminate Your Path

Hiking is an exciting activity to do. You can explore the mountains, woods, rocks, and other terrains.

However, it could be challenging and sometimes terrifying, especially in the dark. It could be hard to see the trail. It can also be difficult to tell where you are going, particularly if you are exploring a new trail.

A good flashlight can illuminate your path so that you can see where you are going and not get lost.

To Be Prepared For Unexpected Events

Everything is unpredictable in this world. So, you need to be prepared to face unexpected events when you are hiking.

One moment it could be sunny, and the next, it could suddenly get cloudy. You may find yourself in a thunderstorm amidst the dark woods or where visibility is poor.

It is when a flashlight could come in handy. It will help you move forward at times when natural lighting is poor.

A flashlight also functions as an emergency light source if you want to fix a broken object.

To Evade Dangers And Obstacles

Low-light conditions could make identifying dangers and obstacles lurking nearby challenging. You might not see snakes and wild animals that could harm you. You also can stumble over due to rocks and roots on the ground.

You can see the obstacles on the ground with a flashlight and avoid them to prevent yourself from tripping on them. You will also avoid dangers from wild animals in the woods.

To Signal And Give Directions

A flashlight can also help when you get separated from your hiking team and need to find the others.

It is also an excellent way to signal for help if you get lost and want search rescue operations to locate you.

For this, it is vital to have a flashlight with a beam distance that can reach far so that others can find your exact location.

For Emergency Camping

While initially planning your hiking adventure, camping might not have been on the list. However, you might need to stay out in the woods in an emergency, such as when someone gets injured and can’t return.

You must camp out there while a rescue or medical assistant arrives. In such an instance, a flashlight is a must-have tool.

You will need it to find a suitable camping location and gather essential camping supplies from the woods.

Are you ready for an emergency situation? It can happen to anyone. Be prepaid with our guide, Emergency Backpacking Shelters, and How Not to Die in the Woods.

Other Uses Of A Flashlight In Hiking

There are many other uses of a flashlight in hiking apart from the ones mentioned above.

It can help identify the source and treat insect bites or stings. It can also help you to scare off any intruders on your path, both humans and animals.

It can also act as a self-defense tool to attack anyone who tries to harm you.

Features To Look For In A Hiking Flashlight

Hiking flashlight

A flashlight you take for hiking should have specific features that make it useful in an adventure. If not, you will not be able to illuminate the path well or help others locate you if you go off the trail.

So, here are the features to look for in a hiking flashlight.


You might have to go through different terrains while hiking. These could be wet or moist terrains.

You might also have to hike in inclement weather like rain and thunderstorms. Therefore, it’s vital to have a waterproof flashlight to prevent it from getting damaged and not functioning.

Light Output

The flashlight’s brightness is one of the essential factors to consider while hiking. You want a bright flashlight to illuminate the trail so you can find your way.

You should also be able to identify any obstacles in your path that you must avoid tripping on. It is best to have a flashlight with 200 to 300 lumens output.

Beam Distance

The range of your light stream is also vital while hiking. In case you are lost and need others to locate you, your flashlight beam should travel a long distance to reach them.

Therefore, a beam distance of 500 m is ideal for a hiking flashlight.


No matter how good your flashlight is, it won’t be of any use when the battery is down. Therefore, it’s always wise to do a battery check on your flashlight before starting your adventure.

If you have a rechargeable flashlight, make sure it can stand up for many hours and fully charge before your journey. It’s also advisable to take a power bank with you.

If your flashlight works with standard batteries, take extras on your journey.


Packing light is essential when hiking. You don’t want to be carrying heavy tools on such an adventure.

Therefore, choose a compact and lightweight flashlight while serving the intended purpose.

Comfort And Durability

Comfort is essential when hiking. If you are using a headlamp, make sure that the strap is comfortable when you wear it.

Durability is also a vital factor in making a note of. Hiking means your flashlight can get soaked in sweat and raindrops or scratched by branches. 

Therefore, ensure your flashlight is made of durable material so you can lose it for a long time.

Red Light

Some flashlights come equipped with an additional red light feature. Red lights send long waves, and it is stable and calm.

You can use this light for tent illumination if you need to stay back and camp in the woods. Red light doesn’t damage or blind the eyes.

It is also essential when identifying wild animals at night as most animals cannot see red color.

If you’d like to take a deep dive into hiking flashlights with a red light, then check out our article, Camping Headlamps, What’s the Red Light for & Other Functions.

link to Camping Headlamps, What’s the Red Light for & Other Functions Camping Headlamps, What’s the Red Light for & Other Functions

Secure The Flashlight

You must secure the flashlight while hiking, so you can use it for a long time. Keep it secure and ensure to get models with a safety rope.

It is also essential to keep your flashlight in a place that is easily accessible. The last thing you want to do is to dig into your backpack in search of your flashlight in an emergency.

Final Thoughts

A flashlight is a must-have item while hiking. You need to ensure that you get a high-quality flashlight for hiking.

You must consider several features, including water resistance, light output, beam distance, weight, durability, and red light feature.

A high-quality hiking flashlight will be a handy tool on your adventure.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Many Lumens Do You Need For Hiking?

A flashlight with 200 to 300 lumens of light output is ideal for hiking.

Which Features Do You Need To Look For In A Flashlight For Hiking?

The features to look for in a flashlight are light output, water resistance, beam distance, durability, weight, and red light.

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